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IoT in Court
Exploiting new technologies that are in our homes and on our bodies as part of criminal investigations and for use as evidence, raises new challenges and risks that have not been sufficiently explored.
Investigating Apps interactions with Facebook on Android
We look at how apps are exposing peoples' activities and behaviours to Facebook.
State Sponsors of Surveillance: The Governments Helping Others Spy
Powerful governments are financing, training and equipping countries — including authoritarian regimes — with surveillance capabilities.
Holding Facebook to account for Cambridge Analytica
In March 2018 the Guardian newspaper revealed that Cambridge Analytica was able to harvest data from Facebook -- and PI responded.
Ask Your MP to Improve the UK's Data Protection Bill!
We ran a campaign to improve the UK's Data Protection Act 2018.
Secret surveillance networks
Governments share our data amongst each other.
Phone Data Extraction: digital stop and search
The use of ‘mobile phone extraction’ tools enables police forces to download all of the content and data from people’s phones. This can apply to suspects, witnesses and even victims – without their knowledge.
Ban biometric mass surveillance
We, with over 40 other organisations, are asking the European Union to ban mass biometric surveillance. If you’re a European Union citizen, join us in signing our European Citizen’s Initiative.
If 1 million of us step up - we can force the European Commission to take on biometric mass surveillance properly