What is the problem

Mobile phones remain the most frequently used and most important digital source for law enforcement investigations. Yet it is not just what is physically stored on the phone that law enforcement are after, but what can be accessed from it, primarily data stored in the “cloud”.
This is why law enforcement is turning to “cloud extraction”: the forensic analysis of user data which is stored on third-party servers, typically used by device and application manufacturers to back up data. As we spend more time using social media and messaging apps, store files with the likes of Dropbox and Google Drive, as our phones become more secure, locked devices harder to crack, and file-based encryption becomes more widespread, cloud extraction is, as a prominent industry player says, “arguably the future of mobile forensics.”

Why it matters

Privacy International has repeatedly raised concerns over risks of mobile phone extraction from a forensics perspective and highlighted the absence of effective privacy and security safeguards. Cloud extraction goes a step further, promising access to not just what is contained within the phone, but also to what is accessible from it. Cloud extraction technologies are deployed with little transparency and in the context of very limited public understanding. The seeming “wild west” approach to highly sensitive data carries the risk of abuse, misuse and miscarriage of justice. It is a further disincentive to victims of serious offences to hand over their phones, particularly if we lack even basic information from law enforcement about what they are doing.
The analysis of data extracted from mobile phones and other devices using cloud extraction technologies increasingly includes the use of facial recognition capabilities. If we consider the volume of personal data that can be obtained from cloud-based sources such as Instagram, Google photos, iCloud, which contain facial images, the ability to use facial recognition on masses of data is a big deal. Because of this, greater urgency is needed to address the risks that arise from such extraction, especially as we consider the addition of facial and emotion recognition to software which analyses the extracted data. The fact that it is potentially being used on vast troves of cloud-stored data without any transparency and accountability is a serious concern.
There is an absence of information regarding the use of cloud extraction technologies, making it unclear how this is lawful and equally how individuals are safeguarded from abuse and misuse of their data. This is part of a dangerous trend by law enforcement agencies and we want to ensure globally the existence of transparency and accountability with respect to new forms of technology they use.

What is PI doing

The report “Cloud extraction technology: the secret tech that lets government agencies collect masses of data from your apps" brings together the results of Privacy International’s open source research, technical analyses and freedom of information requests to expose and address this emerging and urgent threat to people’s rights.
We have also recently published an explainer setting out how the police can access data to your Cloud-based services and the apps that store data in there, such as Slack, Telegram and WhatsApp.