Instagram - Prevent third-party apps from accessing your data

Last modified
26th April 2021
Guide level
Guide app/software

A lot of third-party apps ask you to get access to your Instagram data. This is the case with social media managing apps for example. The more apps have private information on you, the more likely it is that information can be misused. So it is important to make sure that you only allow Instagram access to apps that really need it. You can do this from your web browser or using the app.

On the Web:

  • After logging in, click the person icon on the upper-right corner of the screen, and then click the gear icon.
  • Go to Authorized Apps and have a look at which apps have access to your data.
  • If you see any app that shouldn't be there you can just click Revoke Access.

On mobile app:

  • Go to your profile by clicking the bottom right corner icon. Then tap the three stripe icon on the top right and choose Settings.
  • Choose Security and then Apps and Websites.
  • Again, if you see any app that shouldn't be there you can just click Revoke Access.


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